Secneurx Analyst found Faust ransomware in the wild and analyzed the sample. Faust ransomware encrypts files and appends its extension (".id[F0F90E05-3435].[].faust") to filenames. Also, it drops the ransomware note in hta file. After executing the Faust ransomware all files and folders got encrypted and appended their filenames with a ".id[F0F90E05-3435].[].faust" extension. For Example a file titled as "Sep2019.docx" appeared as "[F0F90E05-3435].[].faust", "Jan2020.docx" as "[F0F90E05-3435].[].faust", and so on.
Screenshot of files encrypted by Faust ransomware

Faust Ransomware Overview
Faust ransomware notes inform victims that their files have been encrypted. It instructs victims to send email ( within 24 hours and instructs victims to pay bitcoin for decryption tool .After Payment made decryption tool will send to the victim.
How does ransomware infect my computer?
Malware (ransomware included) is spread using phishing and social engineering tactics. Malicious programs are typically presented as or bundled with ordinary content. Infectious files can be executables (.exe, .run, etc.), archives (ZIP, RAR, etc.), Microsoft Office and PDF documents, JavaScript, and so on. When a virulent file is executed, run, or otherwise opened - the infection process is jumpstarted.
Screenshot of Faust Ransomware Text file (“_readme.txt”)

Ransomware Note in Text
All your files have been encrypted!
All your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to this
You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the tool that will decrypt all your files.
Free decryption as guarantee
Before paying you can send us up to 5 files for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 4Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.)
How to obtain Bitcoins
The easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price.
Also you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:
Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.
What can you do to avoid being a ransomware victim?
As dangerous as ransomware is, simply being aware and staying updated with the latest ransomware trends can go a long way in securing your data and systems. Here are helpful tips on how you can defend yourself from a likely attack.
Scrutinize emails & its attachments before opening them
Be wary of emails from unverified sources. You can check by communicating directly with the purported sender to confirm if they sent the messages. To check its validity, you can use SecneurX Sandbox to verify the sanity of the email.
Avoid clicking embedded links found in unverified emails
Such social engineering tricks can lead to the download of ransomware. Additionally, be wary of sites that prompt you to enter a CAPTCHA code as this could be linked to a ransomware attack. To check its validity, you can use services like SecneurX Sandbox to verify the reputation of the site.
Back up your important files
While prevention is always better than the cure, having a backup of important files can at least lessen the potential damage done by a ransomware attack. While being locked out of your own system is always a bad thing, at least it's not a total disaster since you can always retrieve your important files. The 3-2-1 backup rule applies here—three backup copies of your data on two different media, and one of those copies in a separate location.
Regularly update software, programs, applications
Updating them to the latest versions can provide an added layer of protection against online threats as some ransomware arrive via vulnerability exploits.
Use a layered protection suite
Doing so can detect threats before they enter your network. Security solutions like SecneurX ATP can block Infectious files (like executables (.exe, .run, etc.), archives (ZIP, RAR, etc.), Microsoft Office and PDF documents, JavaScript, and so on) by scanning them at the point of entry of the organizations (File uploads, USB file transfers etc)